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发表于 2012-11-22 22:12:01 | 显示全部楼层 阅读模式

My hometown is HeNan XiXian.More than two thousand years ago,XiXian was a country named Xi .Xi country  was a feudalist(封建) country in Zhou  Dynasty.

the First ancestor YuDa of Xi
was ZhouWenWang'thirty-seventh son.After 13 years of the reign of WuWang,YuDa was appointed as Xi  feudatory(诸侯).


实力弱小的息国敢于征伐春秋初年“小霸”天下的郑国 ,于是出现了成语“冒天下之大不韪”,自不量力。从此息国国力衰弱。
712 BC,XiHou Led the army to Zhen and staged the war Because Both of XiHou And ZhenHou could not come to an agreement.As a result,XiHou encountered a great failure in the war at the border of Zhen country.So,many people laugh at XiHou,they they said  as a monarch of a country,XiHou didn't measure his
moral and strength,and didn't Size up the situation(审时度势),didn't make a a good relationship with relatives,didn't distinguish right from wrong 、true from false,while,he wanted to threaten  other country with military force.He disgraced  himself and he deserved it!
Xi country with weak strength  dared to assault Zhen country which was called the second overlord in the beginning period of ChunQiu .So there appeared idioms such as "冒天下之大不韪,自不量力".So you must know these idioms derives from my hometown.


XiFuRen was the king's wife of Xi country in ChunQiu Period,born at  a family of Gui  in Chen country.She also named XiGui.She was the second daughter of the king of Chen. Because she came to the world in Late autumn and her Forehead  a peach blossom  birthmark,people called her Mrs. Peach blossom.684Bc,Mrs. Peach blossom came to Xi and got married with XiHOu and Canonized as  the first lady of Xi.from then on,there was a title of XiFURen in history.At the beginning of XiFuRen'coming,Xi country's national power had become very weak and so early lost the big country's mien(风采) as the family name of Emperor.


AT then time ,the Spring and Autumn period was seeing a great social changes.with the decline of Zhou royal family,Some small countries were mergerd by big countries.
the state of Chu Located in the Yangtze River of midstream   in 690 BC and 688 BC  exterminated  the country Quan (in  Hubei Dangyang) and Shen  (in Nanyang, Henan) separately.
      面对这种状况,初到息国的息夫人很是忧虑。。《东周列国志》中记载:息夫人是一个志存高远、忧国忧民的杰出女性。  于是,历史上便留下了一段息夫人挂灯劝息侯的美谈。

Facing this reverse situation,XiFuRen was very worried.According to 《东周列国志》,XiFuRen was an outstanding woman with a great aspiration and great concern for the fate of her country and her people.So,there left a beautiful story of  息夫人挂灯劝息侯 in the history.

   on a windy night with the bright moon, XiHou was holding a palace Banquet.
Suddenly,the lamp put out.the hall was filled with darkness.XiHou got very surprised and houtet to other people to light  the lamp.who konws,everything which had happened just now was schemed by XiFuRen.XIFuRen took a lamp in which  the white chador was not wick(灯芯) but countless fireflies.and after a short while,the palace got  bright again.XIHou cann't wait to ask why.But XiFuRen said nothing .she  poked through the chador and the fireflies flied out ,as a consequence,the darkness gradually filled the palace.

XIFuRen said: people were like fireflies,every person can sent out light and heat.only when we get them together,can they  issue bright light to construct our country.Otherwise people got separated, which would cause the country to walk on the road of death. Hearing what XIFuRen said,XiHou got waken and thanked his wife for her clever persuation and remind.She also warned  that XiHou should  be
aware of the threat of Chu.Chu wanted to dominate the Central Plains and  unify all sides.Thence,XiHou bagan to






不久楚文王出城打猎,预计两三天后才能回宫。息妫趁此机会,悄悄地跑到城门处私会自己的丈夫,两人见面,恍同隔世,她边哭边说:“妾在楚宫,忍辱偷生,初则为了保全你的性命,继则为了见你一面,如今心愿已了,死也瞑目。”息侯伤心欲绝,安慰妫氏说:“苍天见怜,必有重聚之日,我甘任守城小吏,还不是等待团圆的机会么!”但息妫心愿既了,再不愿忍辱偷生,干脆以死明志,头撞城墙而死,息侯阻拦不及,顿时万念俱灰,也撞死在城下。   当楚文王打猎回来,知道了这件事,竟也以诸侯之礼将息侯与妫氏合葬在汉阳城外的桃花山上。后人在山麓建祠,四时奉祀,称为“桃花夫人庙”,至今仍为汉阳的名胜之一。息县《县志》中还有人为她撰写了生平,立了传记碑文,1984年6月,在息县县委招待所还出土了清同治年间的“息夫人辨证碑”。息县城关还新建有息夫人塑像,以示纪念。至今,息县一带还流传着“挂灯劝息侯”及“三年不语”的故事




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